*She weighs 13 lbs 8oz and I love all of her little rolls!
*She can now easily roll from her stomach to her back...but still chooses not to most of the time. And she still hates tummy time!
*Went to her first D-backs game! She now has been to 3 different baseball stadiums in 3 months...not bad, if you ask me! :)
*Is starting to grasp objects and hold on to them
*Has finally noticed Wrigley and loves watching her and the other dogs play.
*Eats 5 oz every 3 hours. She has a milk allergy, so we are on soy formula and I am completely dairy free. Most kids outgrow the allergy by a year, so we will wait and see what happens.
*She wears 0-3 month clothes most of the time, and due to her drool and spitting up, now goes through a couple of outfits a day! :)
*She loves her tummy time mat...when she is on her back! She will play and play with the toys hanging from it and often plays herself to sleep.
*Still loves loves loves her daddy!! And we love love love her!!
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