Sunday, May 9, 2010

Going Home

Due to the fact that I had a C-Section and my recovery was going very well, we were given the option of going home on Tuesday or staying until Wednesday. Since we were having such a great experience at the hospital and I was loving the extra help, we decided to stay until Wednesday. Throughout the morning on Wednesday, a whole lot of doctors and nurses came through to give us last minute check ups and instructions and then we got Rylie dressed and prepared to leave. My mom and Brandon's mom were there with us to take photos and to help in any way that they could. It was so fun to put her in her car seat for the first time! As we headed out of the hospital parking lot, I actually started crying. I think it felt more real that all of this had really happened at that moment. I could not believe that everything had gone so smoothly and how blessed we were.

Later that evening, my parents, grandma and my brother, Jeff came over...and they brought home our other baby, Wrigley. We were pretty curious as to how Wrigley would respond to Rylie. Looks like we had no reason to be concerned...she was super curious and just kept wagging her tail as she checked her out. Now, she did have a pretty rough next couple of days...not towards Rylie, just towards herself. She didn't eat or sleep for the next 24 hours. She is super concerned and it almost looks like she is coming to get Brandon or myself everytime Rylie starts crying. She also really does not like Rylie's womb bear (its a stuffed bear that you can turn on and it makes a noise that is apparently what babies can hear in the womb), she whines every time we turn it on. But for the most part, it looks like she has pretty much adjusted and her normal way to function has returned. Now she is just waiting for Rylie to be old enough to play with her! :)

Uncle Jeff with Rylie...for some reason, I think she is going to be a little bit spoiled by her Uncle! :)

1 comment:

  1. You put that picture in just because I told you!!! I love the one of Wrigley looking at Rylie and it looks like Rylie is looking back
